Friday, 3 October 2008

Title Sequence analysis

Se7en (1995)
Director: David Fincher

Asher Howarth

We watched "Se7en" title sequence and analyzed the key features.
There are heavy connotations to death, violence, and horror because of the scenes involving a razor blade. The lighting is mostly dark and shadowed giving the sequence a dark feel and atmosphere.
The wording of the titles was positioned in the dark black area of the shots.
At the start of the title sequence there was a clicking noise which created a suspenseful atmosphere. Many of the shots were layered with other quick shots and different colours, often dark red. Flashing effects are used and the use of jump cuts and very short shot duration is very effective.
The music is slow paced throughout the sequence, however still creates an effective atmosphere for the audience.


Josh Sang and Ben Scullion

In this opening sequence it starts with a piece of text which creates the atmosphere of the film and also gives you some information about what the film is about. The music in it helps to give it the general speed of the film, which is quite fast, and it also tells you who is in it and which production companies helped make it, and of course the name of the film which is 'Highlander'. Unfortunately what you don't see in this clip is the start of the film. This is a shame because you get the feel of the film which can be quite dark in some places. It also gives you a view of the main character.


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